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Crack filling is an essential piece of a successful asphalt maintenance plan. This small asphalt service can have a significant impact on the lifespan of your parking lot. The key to a successful crack filling is to stop the cracking before it gets too severe and to prevent water from finding its way below the surface. 

The benefits your business or property will see from crack filling are significant, even though you may not believe it. Maintaining the asphalt ensures you are putting your best foot forward for new customers or clients while also preventing significant damage. Toste Construction is discussing four great benefits of crack filling today. Keep reading to learn a bit more about why you should maintain your parking lot with crack filling sooner than later.

What is Crack Filling? 

Cracks form within an asphalt parking lot for several reasons. When they are left untouched, cracks will allow rain and moisture to flow through the pavement. This will erode the base materials which will ultimately result in pothole formation and pavement failure. Crack filling is the process of filling cracks with an adhesive sealant to prevent mooisture intrusion. 

Crack filling or sealing is an integral component of an effective pavement preservation program.

4 Benefits of Crack Filling

1. Water Resistence

The best way to prevent water from finding its way below the surface of an asphalt parking lot is to fill and seal the cracks. Even the smallest of cracks can allow water to seep into the pavement, which can be the beginning of significant damage. Preventing water from penetrating your asphalt is an significant benefit of crack filling. Be sure to discuss crack filling with your local asphalt contractor as a way to help prevent damage to your asphalt.

2. Appealing Welcome 

Your parking lot is the welcome mat to your business or building. Having your cracks filled is one way to offer an appealing welcome for customers, users, and employees. Crack filling will help enhance the appearance of the parking spaces along with ensuring they are safe. Cracks create a tripping hazard that can leave you liable if someone falls while in your lot. Create a comfortable, safe welcome by having the cracks in your asphalt filled.

3. Durability

Filling the cracks on your asphalt will offer added support and durability. This is a significant benefit of adding crack filling to your pavement preservation plan. Cracks can leave asphalt vulnerable and allow it to easily crumble away. By filling these pesky cracks, you are adding durability and prevent additional damage. The added durability crack filling offers will also support an extended lifespan for your asphalt.

4. Cost-Effective Maintenance

When it comes to a parking lot, preventative maintenance is key for a long lifespan. Crack filling offers a cost-effective way to maintain your pavement for pennies on the dollar you would spend replacing an entire parking lot. Leaving cracks open to moisture intrusion and neglecting to make necessary repairs can cost significantly.

Mooresville Asphalt Maintenance 

If you are in the greater Mooresville area and in need a professional asphalt contractor, contact Toste Construction today. Our team is highly skilled and prepared to handle a parking lot of any size. Whether you need crack filling, sealcoating, pothole repair, or more, we are here for you! Call our office to request your FREE estimate now.

Toste Construction specializes in sealcoating and crack filling to ensure you and your customers have a smooth surface to drive on. We are your Mooresville asphalt and pavement maintenance company. Our services include asphalt sealcoating, striping, patching, pothole repair and crack filling for both residential and commercial projects throughout western North Carolina.

Do Your Parking Lot Cracks Need Filled?