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Cracks are inevitable in a parking lot and can appear in several sizes, lengths, and structure. Each crack also has its own characteristics and can be caused by everything from weather conditions to traffic weight. It is important to properly identify the type of crack that has invaded your parking lot to ensure you fix it appropriately. One common type of crack is a transverse crack. We’re going to help you understand what this type of crack is and what can cause them. 

What is a transverse crack?

These types of cracks run perpendicular to the centerline of the road meaning they extend across the pavement. Many professionals will say the crack is spalled if the pavement has crumbled around the crack. Transverse cracks can allow water to seep into the lower layers of the pavement and cause severe damage. 

What causes transverse cracks?

Transverse cracks are typically not caused by the traffic load of the parking lot. They are typically caused by weather and other cracks below the surface. 

1- As temperatures get low at night and through the winter months, the asphalt in your parking lot will shrink. This could also be caused by the hardening and aging of the asphalt. 

2- A transverse crack could also be a reflective crack. This means it is caused by cracks beneath the surface including cracks in the PCC slab. A PPC slab, or plain cement concrete, is a mixture of cement, sand, and coarse aggregate used for leveling.

Timely Repairs Are Critical

To keep your asphalt in top condition and to prevent further damage, timely repairs are critical. Make sure you properly identify the cracks before you commit to any repairs. Remember, transverse cracks will run across the pavement and can cause significant damage if not taken care of.