There is no denying that potholes are a pain! Whether you drive over one and it causes damage to your vehicle, you step inside one and twist an ankle, or you are a business owner and your parking lot is full of them. Potholes create a nuisance for everyone! 

Understanding what causes a pothole and how they can be prevented can save you significantly on large repairs and potential liability. 

Nothing is more aggravating than a parking lot full of potholes. If you are a local business owner or property manager, putting your best foot forward will help keep customers and employees happy. This includes filling and repairing sections with significant damage and potholes. Keep reading to learn what causes a potholes to form, how you can prevent them, and best practices around repairing damaged asphalt.

What Causes A Pothole? 

Asphalt parking lots are popular because the materials used are extremely durable. Over time, the asphalt will start to deteriorate and break down due to several different factors. These can include weather, vehicle traffic patterns and weight, UV damage, chemicals, and water. Sooner than later, cracks will begin to form opening the base layers of the pavement to water penetration.

Water will continue to find its way deeper and deeper into the asphalt and soil below it. As the asphalt and soil become waterlogged, the traffic moving across the parking lot will push the water and some of the asphalt material out from under the surface. Over time as more material is slowly removed from the base, the surface will collapse to create a pothole. 

If you live in an area where temperatures get below freezing, pothole formation is more common. This is because when the water finds its way to the base layers of the asphalt, it will freeze and expand. Then when the water thaws again, a pocket is already formed and breaks from the weight of vehicle traffic.

Preventing Pothole Formation

The best way to prevent potholes from forming in your parking lot is going to start with a regular maintenance plan. Just like any other system within your business or building, asphalt needs proper maintenance in order to function as it is supposed to. 

Sealcoating your parking lot every 2-3 years can help prevent pothole formation by applying a barrier to moisture intrusion. Typically a sealcoating contractor will also recommend crack filling as a standard maintenance item. Filling cracks can stop water from finding its way deep into the asphalt and prevent further damage, like a pothole. 

Regular cleaning of the pavement can also help prevent potholes from forming. Removing chemical stains and harmful materials from the surface can help prevent deterioration. As always, the sooner stains are removed, the better your pavement will be. The longer a chemical sits on the surface, the more damage it is likely to cause.

Pothole Repair 

If your asphalt has suffered damage that resulted in a pothole, repair is necessary. Typically done with a hot or cold patch material, pothole repair is essential to help your business avoid costly liabilities in a cost effective manner. Areas of a parking lot that has suffered significant damage will likely require additional repair. Discussing with your local asphalt contractor will help you discover what is going to be your best repair option for lasting results. 

Located in the greater Charlotte area and in need of pothole repair? Contact Toste Construction today! Our team will assess your parking lot and provide you with a FREE estimate for any and all recommended repairs.  

Toste Construction specializes in sealcoating and crack filling to ensure you and your customers have a smooth surface to drive on. We are your Mooresville asphalt and pavement maintenance company. Our services include asphalt sealcoating, striping, patching, pothole repair and crack filling for both residential and commercial projects throughout western North Carolina.

Is Your  Parking Lot Peppered With Potholes?